Bug fixes and control improvements 1

Welcome to the first update of Mimimage here on itch.io 

If you have played before, today you might notice some subtle changes. Those are for the sake of the game's proper functionality and to improve its quality.

-Fixed a bug that allowed you to move a bit before resetting the level. This was a rare one because it only happened if you get defeated by a wooden or metallic block.

-Fixed all the many bugs related to the spinning fireball spell, now it should work properly and stay around Mimi. Also reworked them a bit. The fire rune not only increases its size and damage, it also increases the size of its trajectory. The move rune now increases the spinning speed of the fireballs.

-When you attack or cast spells in the air you slow your fall instead of fully stopping it for a bit, this gives the aerial attacks and spells a smoother feeling and helps avoiding people exploiting them to skip sections of the game.

If you notice any bug feel free to report them in the comments here. I will work on them as soon as possible

Will be posting any future updates.

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